Thursday 1 March 2012


After Lord Krishna killed king Kamsudu, his brothers with names Kankudu, Vyagodhakudu, Gahvudu etc became very angry about the death of their brother and came to kill Krishna. Balaramudu alone kills all  them. These were sons of Devayakshudu in former births with names Devakuta, Mahagiri, Ganda etc. once their father ordered them to go to Manasa sarovaram and get flowers for worshipping Lord Shiva. These brothers on the way got pleased with the smell of the flowers and smelled them. Because this they got Vcchistokrutha dhosham (mistake of  worshipping with smelled flowers or tasted fruits) and they born as demons in three consecutive births. In they the third birth they born as sons of Vugrasenudu and younger brothers of Kamsudu and died in the hands of Balaramudu.

After killing them Krishna and Balaramudu freed their parents Devaki and Vasudevudu from the prison. Devaki asked Krishna as he brought back his master’s died son  like that she wants to see her sons killed by Kamsudu once. To fulfill the desire of his mother Krishna along with Balaramudu went to Pathalalokam which was ruled by Bali. And Krishna says to Bali that, “once in the Swayambhuva manvantharam there was saint couple with names Mareechi and Uurna. They had six sons with names Smarudu, Udhghadhudu, Parishvangudu, Pathangudu, Kshudrabhuvu and Gruni. Once they misbehaved with Lord Brahma and because that got cursed to born as demons. By this actually they should born to Hiranyakasipudu. But by the affect of yogamaya they had born  to Devakidevi and Kamsudu killed all of them immediately after birth”. Now they are with you Bali, please send them with us by this they will get relived of their curse. Then Bali sends them with Krishna by seeing them Devakidevi becomes very happy then these six people go back to their own place after getting relieved by curse.
At the end of his incarnation, Lord Sri Krishna was lying down in one forest. There one hunter comes and by watching the sole of Krishna he mistakes it as some animal and shoots an arrow, it goes and hurt Krishna and taking this as opportunity Lord Krishna ends his incarnation  and goes back to Vikuntam. That hunter was Vali in former birth who died in the hands of Lord Sri Rama as Rama shot him by arrow from behind the tree. To correct that mistake Sri Krishna ended  his incarnation in the hands of hunter.

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