Monday 12 March 2012

Man with thousand hands -2

King Karthaveeryarjuna becomes sad with the words of saint Vasista and goes back to his palace. There his queen and ministers advise him to go to hunting as it is his hobby and by this he can also divert his mind from the thoughts of curse.  Karthaveeryarjuna along with his army goes for hunting. While  going in the forest he comes to the hermitage of saint Jamadagni. Then king goes to the saint and verifies how he and his hermitage is? The saint becomes happy with the curtsey of the king and offer food to him. Then the king says that he is along with his army. The saint says that he will provide food to all  them. The king becomes surprised and asks how he can do this?  The saint replies that he is having one cow with the name Surabhi which is like his daughter and it will give whatever he asks. And the saint provides food to all  them.
The king becomes envious about the cow and asks Jamadagni to give it to him, as it will be more useful if it is with the king and he will give whatever the saint wants in exchange. But the saint refuses. Then the king Karthaveeryarjuna becomes angry and orders his army to get the cow forcefully. The cow tries to fight with the army but with the order of saint it stops and goes with the army.
After the sons of the saint Jamadagni comeback their mother Renuka tells about the dishonour done by the king Karthaveeryarjuna to their father.

Then the youngest son of Jamadagni, lord Parasuramudu becomes very angry and goes to the kingdom of Karthaveeryarjuna to fight with him. There he kills most of the army of the king Karthaveeryarjuna. And finally he kills Karthaveeryarjuna, by this the curse of saint Vasista becomes true.

 Then the sons of Karthaveeryarjuna come to fight with Parasuramudu, he kills most of them remaining beg him to forgive. Then Parasurama forgives and goes back to his hermitage with the cow.
 But the sons of Karthaveeryarjuna in the absence of Parasuramudu come to the hermitage of Jamadagni and kill him and takeaway the cow. After Parasuramudu comes back his mother tells him with crying and beating on her chest  about the sin has done by the sons of Karthaveeryarjuna , then Parasurama becomes so angry, goes to the palace of Karthaveeryarjuna and kills all the sons of him.

As his mother cried with beating twentyone times on her chest, Lord Parasuramudu travels around the earth twentyone times and kills every king he came across. Like this ends the story of Karthaveeryarjuna.

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