Wednesday 29 February 2012


In Madhura Krishna and Balaramudu after leaving from the house of Sudhama went into the street. There they met one lady who is looking  very ugly. She was taking perfumes to king Kamsudu. Krishna and Balaramudu stop her and ask to give that perfumes to them. She gives those perfumes to them with much happy and says that they are worth taking of these perfumes. They ask what is her name she tells that her name is Kubja(Trivakra) and she is servant of King Kamsudu. Pleased with her  good heart Lord Krishna decides to give her new appearance and he catches her chin and lengthens her, then she becomes a very beautiful lady. She was Soorpanakha, sister of Ravana in Threthayugam after lakshmanudu cut her nose and ears for trying to hurt Devi Seeta. She went to forest and meditates for Lord Shiva and on his appearance she asked the boon that Lord Srirama should like her. Lord Shiva told that her desire will be fulfilled in next birth. Because this she was borned as Kubja.
After this Krishna and Balaramudu met one big elephant with name Kuvalayapeedanam, which was very furious and hurting everybody coming on the way. On seeing the two brothers it comes to kill them. Krishna fights with it and kills it. It was  son of Bali in former birth with name Mandhagathi. Once he went to Sreerangam, on the way he used to  hit whoever coming and make them to fall. Among them there was one saint with name Thrithudu. He became angry with the act of Mandhagathi and cursed him that as you behaved as elephant you will take birth as elephant. Then Madagathi became tearful and begged the saint to forgive him. Then the saint told that he will be freed from the curse after dying in the hands of Krishna.
 Krishna and Balaramudu went to the assembly of Kamsa after killing the elephant. There was many fighters in the assembly. In them two fighters with Chanurudu and Mustikudu  were leaders to the remaining members. They ask Krishna and Balaramudu to fight with their assistants. But Krishna and Balaramudu say that they will fight with them only. Then Krishna fight with Chanurudu  and Balaramudu with Mustikudu.  In the fight the two fighters died. These two sons of saint Udhyathudu in the former birth. They were very beautiful but neglected studies. Their father tried so much to make they good but they did not listened. Got fatigued with the acts of the sons the saint cursed them to born as demons. Because this they took the births of Chanurudu and Mustikudu

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