Saturday 25 February 2012


Once Devi Yashoda, Lord Krishna’s mother got fatigued  with his noise ties him to one stone mortar of pounding grain(rolu). At that time he goes in between two trees and struck and splits them. These two trees are sons of Kuberudu in former births with names Nalakubara and Manigreeva. Once when saint Narada went to their place being drunken they ignore him. Because  this Saint Narada curses them to born as trees. When they pray him to give the solution then he tells them that in the next birth because of Lord Krishna they will get their own forms.
One more demon with the order of Kamsudu comes to kill Krishna as calf with name Vathparchurudu. But Krishna fights with him and kills him. He was son of Mura with name Prameeludu in former birth. Once he went to the hermitage of saint Vashistudu. There he sees one cow with name Nandini which is having the power of giving anything wanted. Vathparchurudu wants that cow and goes to Vashistudu as Bramhan and asks to give that cow to him. Saint Vashistudu recognizes him and keeps quite but Nandini gets anger and curses him to born in the form of cow. Then on his prayer to forgive him, she tells that he will be freed from calf form after dying in the hands of Krishna.
Bakasurudu is one more demon sent by Kamsudu to kill Krishnudu. He comes as crane. He was son of Hayagreevudu in the former birth with name Utkaludu. He used to torture the people in heaven. Once he went to hermitage of saint Jajaludu and catches the fish in the pond. Seeing this the saint curses him to take birth as crane. Because of this Utkaludu takes birth as Bakasurudu and finally dies in the quarrel with Krishna.
 Aghudu, the younger brother of Putana and Bakasurudu comes as large python to kill Krishna. He was son of demon Sankudu in former birth.He was very handsome and proud about it. Once he went to mountain malayadri and there he watches Astavakra who was praying God there. He laughs at Astavakra mentioning his figure. Then Astavakra curses him to take the form of python. But when he begs him to forgive Astavakra says that when Krishna enters into his stomach he will be relived from curse.When he swallows Krishna he comes out by tearing his stomach and relieves him from curse.

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