Sunday 4 March 2012

Man with thousand hands -1

Do you know a man with thousand hands? His name is Karthaveeryarjuna and here is a story about him.
Once in Threthayuga there was a king in Hyhaya lineage with name Karthaveerya. His capital was Mahishmathi. He had thousand wives but no one had  children. The king was very much worried of this, and he worshipped so many Gods but he did not got a child. Finally he decided to do  penance until his desire fulfills. He went to forest for that purpose. Among his queens, one queen with name Padmini born in the Ekquaku lineage and daughter of King Harishandra followed him to the forest.
King went to the  Gandhamadha  mountain area and starts doing penance for Lord Vishnu. Even after ten thousand years Lord Vishnu didnot appeared to him. Worried about the status of her husband Padmini went to devotee Anasuya and asked for solution. She told to do “Yekadasi vrath”. By doing this Lord Vishnu appeared in front of  her and asked what she wants? She asked to fulfill her husband’s desire.

Then Lord Vishnu appeared in front of king Karthaveerya and asked what he wanted? The king asked to give “a son with so much strength who should not get defeated with gods or human beings or snakes or demons. He should be defeated only with Lord Vishnu”. Then Lord Vishnu give that boon to him. With that after coming to the his kingdom queen Padmini became pregnant and delivered a boy with name Karthveeryarjuna, who was very powerful. 
 One more story is that Karthveeryarjuna was Sudhrshana chakra of Lord Vishnu in former birth as Sudharshana chakra is becoming proud that because of him Lord Vishnu is able to kill all, Lord Vishnu makes him to take birth as a human and he is Karthveeryarjuna.
King Karthaveeryarjuna used to worship Lord Sridatta, with his  blessings  he became very powerful, got thousand hands and many powers. Once with his hands he stopped the river Narmada and was playing with his queens. King Ravana came there and at the bank of the river he was worshipping Lord Shiva. As Karthaveeryarjuna released his hands the water immersed King Ravana. Ravana become so serious and came to fight with Karthaveeryarjuna. But Karthaveeryarjuna defeated him and imprisoned him. After some years  the saint Pulasthya made Karthaveeryarjuna to release him from prison. Like this Karthaveeryarjuna became the very powerful person in the universe. 
With the blessings of Sridatta swamy, Karthaveeryarjuna got the power of flying in the air. Once as he was flying like that he watched Lord Indra playing with his dancers. He criticized Indra that he got the crown by playing many bad tricks and he is misusing his powers. Indra became serious with words and decided to teach a lesson to Karthaveeryarjuna. He sends Lord Agni to the assembly of Karthaveeryarjuna. There Agni comes as Brahmin and  asks Karthaveeryarjuna to give him sufficient food. Karthaveeryarjuna agrees, then Agni appears in his real form. Being compelled with the word has given Karthaveeryarjuna agrees to help Agni. Agni burns the hermitage of saint Vasista. Then the saint recognizes who helped Agni and curses Karthaveeryarjuna that he will die in hands of a saint.


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  3. great! many people do not know the story or history of kharthveryarjuna charecter. it is great work done to elaborate the janma vruthantham of karthveryarjuna

  4. Thanks. Let us get few more stories about him
